These are the world's oldest animals, which have made a record of being alive for hundreds of years

 There are many types of animals in the world. Some of these are very strange. You must have read and heard about many animals. But have you heard about the oldest animal? Today we are going to tell you about 5 such animals, which are very rare and have been alive for hundreds of years. Some of them are such that they lived for many years more than their age. Scientists were also surprised to see these animals alive like this. Scientists also did many researches on their long life. Let us tell about them.

Ming, Clam (age 510 years)

The Ocean Quahog is a type of clam that usually lives for 100 to 200 years. One of these clams is also such that its age is 510 years. When this clam named 'Ming' was found off the coast of Iceland in the year 2006, its age was said to be 507 years. To calculate the age of the Ming, the researchers found it by counting the bands in its shell. Ming was part of a group of 200 clams that were fished from the sea.

,Bowhead whale

The Bowhead Whale is at the bottom of the ladder of longevity. It is found in arctic and sub-arctic seas. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), they live comfortably for 100 years. But some live more than 200 years. If they are not hunted. They have a gene in their body, which is called ERCC1. This gene keeps on repairing the damaged DNA in the body. Therefore, these fish do not have terrible diseases like cancer. The second is a gene called PCNA. This gene makes new cells in place of old cells. repairs parts.

Jonathan Turtle (age 190 years)

According to a BBC report, the name of this turtle is Jonathan and it has got the title of the world's oldest creature. This tortoise is found in the Saint Helena Island of the South Atlantic Ocean. It is famous all over the world for its age. Jonathan was born in the year 1832. In such a situation, its age has become 190 years in the year 2022. In 1882, when Jonathan was 50 years old, he was brought to St. Helena.


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